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Click the image to see much more detail (300K). The official 8 x 10 reunion photo can be mailed to you for just $12.50 from Bielicki Photography 610 494-6991

The next reunion will be scheduled for 2005.

Ridley Class of ’70 Reunion Committee
(Remove the "~" sign from email addresses before mailing)
Kathi Davis Bonnes 610-436-0809 kmbonnes~@prodigy.net
Frani Sperratore Day 610-358-3022 tennisday~@aol.com
Trudy Hales Fisher 610-534-9611 fishtkbc~@aol.com
Sue Denney Fizzano 610-565-6293 fjdenney~@aol.com
Bob Malone 610-534-0340 bmalone10~@aol.com
Steve Nazigian(webmaster) 610-543-5126 nazigian~@hotmail.com
Don Ritacco 610-494-8944 djritacco~@intermedia.com
Irene Morrissey Schultz 610-565-5191 ischul1992~@aol.com
Gabe Staino 610-793-9731


Click to see the photo album! Add your own pictures!



The Archive - yearbook cover for Ridley High Class of 1970

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